Reduces the Risk of Airborne Illness
It’s slightly disgusting to think about, but many of the viruses that make us sick are found in the air we breathe. When someone who is sick sneezes or coughs, they expel infected droplets into the air. Those droplets remain in the air and may be inhaled by others later, causing illness. Diseases ranging from the common cold to COVID are spread via airborne transmission.
An air purifier for your home can help keep you and your loved ones safer from a number of airborne illnesses. According to the EPA, air purifiers can help cut down on the risk of airborne transmission of many common viruses. [1]
Relieves Symptoms of Asthma
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 12 people have asthma. People living with asthma have inflamed bronchial tubes. Pollutants such as pet dander, pollen, or dust mites irritate their airways, causing difficulty breathing. Many breeds of dogs and cats shed throughout the year. When these pets scratch themselves they spread a lot of hair and dander which keeps circulating in the air. Even if you don’t have pets, there are other triggering factors for asthma such as pollen and dust mites. Pollen particles flow in with the breeze through open windows or they stick to your clothes when you are outside. Dust mites are the most common indoor allergens, thriving in a humid environment. Lack of fresh air increases indoor humidity levels, providing the perfect breeding ground for dust mites. They feed on dead skin cells and multiply quickly in your bed, carpet, and other upholstered furniture. Vacuuming your bed, carpet, and floors can eliminate these pollutants, but some of them remain suspended in the air. Breathing in the polluted air increases the chances of asthma attacks.
Most household air purifiers contain HEPA filters, designed to capture all these pollutants so you breathe clean air. HEPA filters comprise multi-layered meshes made of fine fiberglass threads, thinner than strands of hair. The pollens, dust mites, and pet dander floating in the home environment are trapped in these meshes so you enjoy clean air.
Some air purifiers include replaceable pre-filters for trapping larger particles, so the HEPA filters are preserved for capturing smaller pathogens. This system prolongs the efficiency of your air purifier. An efficient air purifier continues to keep your indoor air free of pollutants, reducing the chances of breathing difficulties caused by asthma. [2]
Help You Get Better Quality Sleep
Allergens, bad odors, germs, and chemicals can all impact the quality and quantity of sleep we get. An air purifier in your bedroom can reduce the amount of these that you breathe in as you sleep. As such, air purifiers can potentially improve sleep quality for many. [3]
Air Purifiers Reduce Smell and Odors
If your home or the surrounding area smells or odors, investing in an air purifier could be part of a long term solution to the problem. Odors can easily engulf your indoor air due to cooking, water damage, and flooding. If left unsettled, water damage can create a perfect breeding ground for potentially dangerous mold to grow. An efficient air purifier will filter your air and eliminate nauseating odors and mold spores, leaving you with clean air to inhale. [4]