Cool Off Before Buying Nonessentials
The roof over your head, food on your table and gas in your car—what do they have in common? They’re necessities, and they’re also prominent line items in a typical household budget that together tally, let’s say, 50% of your total spending. The other half of your budget would be split between savings and the things you really want but don’t really need—the nonessentials. You know what those items are because you often buy them when the moon is out and a screen’s glow lights your room or whatever time when your self-control is at its weakest. Do yourself a favor, and, before you tap the “Checkout” button, sleep on it. The item in question will probably still be there in the morning, and you may have a different perspective on your potential purchase. [1]
Keep a Buffer in Your Checking Account
I need a “buffer” in my main checking account to cover things that fall through the cracks. We usually keep a buffer amount of money maybe like $100 each week. This cover if the kids need some miscellaneous money for school or if I forgot to add a bill/expense into the budget. I do not like over drafting at all. I would rather keep a buffer of money in the account to cover the miscellaneous things. [2]
Understand Your Credit Score
In the world of personal finance, there are few things more crucial than your credit score. That’s why it’s important to understand how it works!
If you have no idea how credit scores work, we’ve got a post you can check out to learn more! But in a nutshell, your score will affect
your ability to get a credit card or loan,
the interest rates you’ll be charged,
which apartments you’ll be approved for
and maybe even the job you can get!
There’s no doubt about it, your credit score and credit report are huge factors in your financial life! [3]
Find Your "Spirit Budget"
I ask people about their spirit animals all. the. time. Working in personal finance, I've also come to apply the same concept to budgeting techniques. Don't be afraid to experiment with several methods to find the "juuuust right" budget for you. If it doesn't look exactly like your neighbor's – no problem! Each person connects with different types of budgeting and benefits from certain strategies. It's just proof that you've personalized your spending plan. [4]
Stay motivated with savings tracker coloring sheets
When I was saving money to quit my 9-5 job and go back to school, I used a savings tracker visual aid so I could see my progress. In the beginning, it can be hard to get motivated to save up for a big goal, especially when it feels so far away. But no matter how big or small your savings goal is, having a visual aid is essential for keeping you inspired and motivated to track your progress. This can help you save money each month. Savings trackers and debt payoff charts are simple and fun to use. Your success will depend on you sticking to your goal and filling them out on a regular basis. If you want to save money fast, a visual tracker can help. [5]
[1] Sobel, Andy. "How Long Could You Go Without Buying Anything Outside Your Budget?" Synchrony, 02 September 2021, https://www.synchronybank.com/blog/how-long-stay-on-budget/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_content=CB_SCH_S_GO_BL391_BSA&sitecode=CB_SCH_S_GO_BL391_BSA&gclid=CjwKCAjw0qOIBhBhEiwAyvVcf7qwmnmMMqI20_e1qQoEIK6K8UKQD5POOz_pKttvIEo40Bla7JottRoCdJQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
[2]Latina Money Mom Editorial Staff. "How to Rock Your Budget With These Money Budgeting Tips." LMM, 02 September 2021, https://latinamoneymoms.com/money-budgeting-tips/
[3] Oliver. "26 Best Personal Finance Tips To Rock Your Money!" The Wealthy Alchemist, 02 September 2021, https://thewealthyalchemist.com/personal-finance-tips/
[4] Murdough, Claire. "17 Ways to Make Your Budget Better – Starting Today." Pack It Gourmet, 02 September 2021, https://www.military.com/money/personal-finance/17-ways-to-make-your-budget-better-starting-today.html
[5] Eden, Ashley. "50 Creative Ways To Save Money On A Tight Budget." Mint Notion, 02 September 2021, https://www.mintnotion.com/frugal-living/how-to-save-money/