Unusual Amount of Foot Traffic In and Out of the House
Lots of people run (legal) small businesses out of their homes. But if you notice a large amount of people coming and going from a house, particularly at night or outside of normal business hours, that suggests there may be something fishy going on. Take note if there are a lot of strangers–i.e., people who don’t live in the neighborhood–paying quick visits, making deliveries, and exchanging small items for cash. [1]
Living A Good Life Despite Being Unemployed
You know that your neighbor does not have a job but they keep buying expensive items, it could be a sign of getting money from illegal sources. [2]
A Few More Things to Look For
Suspicious items such as improvised heating and cooling mechanisms
An unusual chemical smell
Fan noise
People never putting their rubbish out or burning their rubbish
Little traffic at a property during the day but frequent traffic at night
Windows blackened out or reinforced
Extractor fans, especially in garages/sheds
Recently rented premises where the resident is rarely at home
A new tenant who is willing to pay rent months in advance, using only cash
Chemical waste [3]