Weather Strip Your Front Door
To prevent heat loss around your door and save money on your energy bill, weather stripping is a good start. Get your home ready for winter and use a seal that can be attached to the bottom of the door – it should brush up against the threshold to fill any gap. [1]
Insulate Pipes
Any exposed pipe that runs along a wall or is in an unheated area (a basement or a crawl space, for example) is a potential hazard. The water inside can freeze and cause the pipe to burst when temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. "It's easy to protect them with pipe insulation. Get it at the hardware store—it looks like a giant piece of spaghetti with a slit," says Lou Manfredini, the host of HouseSmarts. "Cut it to fit the length of the pipe, wrap it around, then secure with duct tape if needed." [2]
Drain Exterior Faucets
Undrained water in pipes can freeze, which will cause pipes to burst as the ice expands. Start by disconnecting all garden hoses and draining the water that remains in faucets.
If you don’t have frost-proof faucets (homes more than ten to 15 years old typically do not), turn off the shut-off valve inside your home. [3]
[1] Constellation Editorial Staff. "Preparing Your House for Extreme Cold and Winter Weather." Constellation, 5 November 2021,
[2] Zack, Liz. "10 Steps to Make Sure Your House is Ready for Winter." Real Simple, 5 November 2021,
[3] Esswein, Patricia Mertz. "15 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter." Kiplinger, 5 November 2021,