Meals On Wheels
Meals On Wheels
Our Healthy Communities is a non-profit community action agency serving Northwest Arkansas in Benton, Carroll, and Madison Counties.
We are an "umbrella" organization that provides a variety of programs to the communities we serve. Here you will find a comprehensive list of all of our programs.

The Pavement Project works with the Arkansas Department of Corrections to hire returning citizens following their incarceration. We vet our employees through the Benton County Probation Department. Motivated individuals - who have served their time and paid their debt to society - are placed on our crew to learn a trade that they will be able to use for the rest of their life.
Through this training, they can compete for a job, attain stable housing, support their children and families, and contribute to their communities. We are proud to create these opportunities which reduce recidivism, improve public safety, and save tax dollars.